DS3 Pre-cut sunstrip




DS3 Pre Cut Sunstrip Visor Sticker / Vinyl

x1 Pre cut to shape and size Sun Strip Vinyl (No cutting require)

Hexis Suptac 10 year exterior Vinyl

The visor is aprox 130mm deep in the middle and does not cover the Radar sensor

Take 2 Minutes to fit with wet application!

Additional information

Sunstrip Colour

Baby Blue, Baby Pink, Beige, Black Carbon Fibre, Brown, Burgundy, Cadbury Purple, Canary Yellow, Dark Green, Dark Grey, Dark Orange, Gloss Black, Gloss White, Gold, Grass Green, Hot Pink, Kawasaki Green, Light Grey, Lilac, Matte Black, Matte Red, Matte White, Metallic Anthracite, Mid Blue, Mint Green, Navy Blue, Orange, Performance Blue, Postbox Red, Silver, Sky Blue, Sunflower Yellow, Tomato Red, Turquoise, Ultramarine Blue